Black Static #62 (Mar-Apr 2018)

Black Static #62 (Mar-Apr 2018)

Sanguinary Scar by E. Catherine Tobler
Bury Me with Broken Light Bulbs, Bury Me in Shattered Glass by Jack Westlake
Things Behind the Sun by David Martin
Your Clothes a Sepulcher, Your Body a Grave by Kay Chronister
Caring for a Stray Dog (Metaphors) by Michael Wehunt
The cover art is by Jim Burns, with interior illustrations by Jim Burns, Ben Baldwin, and Richard Wagner. Features: Into the Woods by Ralph Robert Moore; Notes from the Borderland by Lynda E. Rucker; Case Notes by Peter Tennant (book reviews, including an in-depth interview with Anna Tambour); Blood Spectrum by Gary Couzens (film reviews).
This issue is out of print but an epub/mobi file is available to download from the Ebooks section