This issue is out of print but it's available as epub/mobi from the Ebooks section
I Write Your Name by Ralph Robert Moore
A Crown of Leaves by Kristi DeMeester
Pendulum by Steven J. Dines
Glass Eyes in Porcelain Faces by Jack Westlake
Massaging the Monster by Cody Goodfellow
The Touch of Her by Steven Sheil
The Summer is Ended and We Are Not Saved by Natalia Theodoridou
The cover art is by Jim Burns, and interior illustrations are by Ben Baldwin, Vincent Sammy, Richard Wagner, Sebastian Mazuera and others. Regular features: Into the Woods by Ralph Robert Moore; Notes from the Borderland by Lynda E. Rucker; Case Notes by Georgina Bruce, Mike O'Driscoll, Andrew Hook, and Daniel Carpenter, plus interviews with Nathan Ballingrud and Nicholas Royle; Blood Spectrum by Gary Couzens (film reviews).